Sixty Eight People supported the planting of 0.6 hectares of wildflowers in the UK in 2023
Sixty Eight People is part of an imaginative and beautiful solution to the problem of the loss of flowers and pollinators in the UK. Not only are wildflowers attractive and beneficial to our well-being, but for the thousands of pollinating insects, wildflowers are critical.
Since 1940 we’ve lost ninety seven percent of our flower rich meadows and hundreds of our pollinator species are in decline. In areas, our local wildlife finds itself in isolated oases, walled in by agricultural land, urban landscapes, roads, and gardens.
Our solution is to restore B-Lines – a network of insect pathways along which we are restoring and creating wildflower rich habitat. These insect super highways created in partnership with GreenTheUK and Buglife will extend across the whole of the UK, allowing wildlife to move freely through our countryside and towns. Thanks to Sixty Eight People, we have created a network of flower-rich pathways benefiting pollinators, other wildlife and people. These wildflowers were sown aross several dates including a volunteering event with the Sixty Eight People team in April 2023 - read more about it here.
6,000 sq m of wildflowers planted across Manchester
Moss Side Park, Parsonage Road, Coatfield Road OS, Kirkup Gardens, Park Crescent, Foxfeild Road OS, Galway Walk.
Moss Side Park (Raby St side) was sowed with wildflower seed with the Sixty Eight People team. A committed team of volunteers from Sixty Eight People turned up in the rain to sow some native wildflowers. This planting project was in collaboration with GreenTheUK, Buglife and Manchester City Council. In 2023, Sixty Eight People has helped plant a total of 6,000 square metres of wildflowers in Manchester's parks, which will help transform these local community areas into welcoming sites for our wildlife. If you're nearby, definitely check out their hard work and blooming wildflowers in the years to come.
In addition, various other sites across Manchester City have been transformed into wildflower gardens with wildflower seeds by Manchester City Council and local community groups thanks to the support from Sixty Eight People.
Wildflowers & Grasses Planted

UN's Sustainable Development Goals
As a GreenTheUK partner, you support projects that are in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts.
Sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation, halt biodiversity loss.